

Security destruction of goods
Through specifical machineries, it is possibile to destroy stocked goods for whom specifical adminstrative procedures are compulsory by law(Circolare del Ministero delle Finanze n. 193/E del 23 luglio 1998).

The service of destruction can be realized either in our plants, or at the Customers' locations, by using special equipment like mobile grinding machines or crane. Therefore, we can guarantee a rapid, comfortable and safe service, in full respect of the current environmental regulations and minmizing the impact of the process. Security destruction of documents with personal data (S.D.S.)
The security destruction of documents (Security Destruction System), beyond being respectful for the environment, is fully compliant with the most recent privacy regulation (D.Lgs. 196/03) , forcing companies and professionals to destroy every document in paper or other kind of support containing personal data at the end of the usage period, so that it is no more possible to observe those data and to identify the owners.

The S.D.S. service, realized in partnership with one of the main companies operating in the industry, guarantees the complete destruction of every type of support in full safety, through a highly innovative plant, the first of its kind to have been installed in Italy. Moreover, the S.D.S. service conjugates the respect for privacy regulations and that for the environment: unlike all other methods used for destruction of supports containing personal data, the treated material can be sent to the recycling process. The S.D.S. process is composed by three main phases, each cared by our technical personnel, specialized for running this kind of activity: :
  1. Collection at the Customers' location of the data supports (among these supports in paper, floppy disks, CDs, personal computers, magnetic tapes) in special dedicated boxes, realized in aluminium and of different dimensions, endowed with anti-intrusion systems , guaranteeing the opening only once they are located in the destruction plant;
  2. Transportation of the special boxes through a network of highly professional and carriers, realized by selected and well identifiable personnel at the Customers' locations, in order to guarantee the inaccessibility of the data supports;
  3. Destruction in a dedicated area of the plant , reachable through a separated path, only by our authorized technical personnel. The final phase of the process is that of the destruction in a special machinery (with a total capacity of 5 tons per hour) endowed with grinding system for volume reducing. The grinded documents are, finally, aspired towards a baler machine, then producing a grinded paper bale that can therefore be sent to recycling process.
The destruction process can be video-recorded and then put on DVD.


For more information about this service, click HERE


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